
Data Type in Data Structures and Algorithms

Mainly two types of data are known here. 1. Built-in Data Type. 2. Derived Data Type.

1. Built-in Data Type:

In computer programming, built-in data types, also known as primitive data types, are fundamental data types provided by a programming language to represent basic values. These data types are used to store and manipulate different kinds of data efficiently.

Built-in data types are data types that are pre-defined by a programming language. They are created for ease of execution of data. They can be used directly in a program without the need to create them.

Built-in Data Type Example: Some Built-in Data Types are –

  • a. Integers,
  • b. Boolean (true, false),
  • c. Floating (Decimal numbers),
  • d. Character and Strings

2. Derived Data Type:

Derived data types, also known as user-defined data types, are data types that are created by combining or extending the built-in data types in a programming language. These custom data types are defined by the programmer to represent more complex and meaningful structures. Derived data types are essential for organizing and managing data efficiently in software applications.

Derived Data Type Example: Some Derived Data Types are –

  • a. List
  • b. Array
  • c. Stack
  • d. Queue

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